Delegation from the Department of English of UNO Visits SFS

Date: 2018-03-18

   On March 16, a delegation from theDepartment of English of UNO (University of Nebraska Omaha) visited SFS todiscuss cooperation. The delegates included Chair of the Department of English ofUNO Prof. Tracy Bridgeford, Writing Program Administrator Dr. Maggie Christensen,Director of Intensive English and IPD at International Programs Dr. Sarah Osborn,TESOL Program Director Prof. Frank Bramlett, Director of General Education andDual Enrollment Dr. Matt Tracy and UNO Global Engagement Representative toChina Mr. Brian Liu.

  Director of International Office of SCAU Prof. Feng Lixin, CPC Branch Secretary of SFS Chen Wenyi, Dean of SFS Prof. Huang Guowen and Deputy Dean of SFS Prof. ChenYang etc attended the reception. Prof. Feng Lixin, on behalf of SCAU, delivereda welcoming address and introduced the university to the delegates. Prof. HuangGuowen also welcomed the guests and expressed sincere hope of establishingcooperative relation with the Department of English of UNO. Prof. Bridgefordthanked SFS for the well-prepared reception.

  The meeting was conducted in a warm and friendly atmosphere, duringwhich, the two parties introduced their respective development in teaching andresearch, discussed possible programs in fields like long- and short-term jointstudent cultivation, teacher exchange, cooperation in research activities etc.

  After the meeting, Foreign Affairs Secretaries Peng Ying and Qin Jianhuashowed the delegates around the college building and the campus. The delegatesalso visited Yang Ming’s Basic English IV class.

  SCAU and UNO signed the Letter of Intention in 2017 and this is thefirst time leaders and teachers from the Department of English of UNO visit SFS. SFS highly valued this chance of direction contact. Hopefully this meetingwill lead to successful cooperation between the two sides.

(Reportby Qin Jianhua   Pictures by Cen Haoxian)
