Dean Huang Guowen Gives Insightful Guidance in the Meeting of Research Team of Ecolinguistics

Date: 2017-12-08

Toprepare for the Undergraduate Teaching Evaluation, the Research Team ofEcolinguistics held a meeting on December 7 in Room 5A607. Deputy Dean ChenYang chaired the meeting, and all members of the team attended.

Prof.Huang Guowen, Dean of SFS, was also present. He pointed out that thedevelopment of foreign language discipline in agricultural and forestryuniversities should match the status of the universities and actively integrateforeign language education and agricultural civilization. He emphasized thatteachers in the team should base their career development on teaching and useresearch as a stimulus, and that problems that arise in teaching can lead toin-depth research and thus facilitate teaching. Prof. Huang also gave vividexamples on how to combine teaching and research in innovative ways. 

In the meeting, the team members also discussed the Ecolinguistical module in the "2017 New Syllabus", and arranged teachers for the exact courses in the module.This can guarantee the high quality and stability of the teaching body of theEcolinguistical module.

Prof.Huang summarized the meeting by calling for all member of the team to workjointly and make contributions to the development of teaching and research in Ecolinguisticsin SFS.

(Report by Qin Jianhua  Picturesby Li Feiwu)