外语讲坛第39期:On the Cross-language Comparison of modal auxiliary verb and its relevant hypothesis情态助动词的跨语言分析

发布时间:2019-05-24 来源:外国语学院




内容简介:Modal auxiliary verbs are a type of verb which expresses speaker’s attitude and opinion towards a proposition or an event, and their syntactic features have attracted much interest recently. This paper investigates the syntactic feature of modal auxiliary verbs in different languages, such as semantic constraints, the deletion of complement clause, constituent movement, psedo-cleft construction, temporal and aspect markers, and analyzes relevant hypotheses of modal auxiliary verbs under the framework of generative grammar. It finally revises the raising and control hypothesis of modal auxiliary verbs based on feature checking hypothesis.



Dr. Hu Bo is associate professor in General Education Department, and director of Foreign Language Education and Research Center, City University of Macau. His current research interest mainly includes theoretical linguistics and English education. He chaired several projects sponsored by national and provincial fund for philosophy and social sciences, and he published research articles in such important journals as Foreign Languages Teaching and Research, Modern Foreign Languages, and Contemporary Linguistics. And he presented research articles in quite a few international conferences.