学术对话:生态文明与言语行为 Dialogue: Ecological Civilization and Languaging – What is not ecolinguistics?

发布时间:2018-10-31 来源:外国语学院





Professor Sune Vork Steffensen (University of Southern Denmark)

Professor Stephen Cowley (University of Southern Denmark)

Professor Huang Guowen (黄国文, South China Agricultural University)


内容简介:Sune Vork Steffensen教授(南丹麦大学)、Stephen Cowley教授(南丹麦大学)和黄国文教授(华南农业大学)就“生态文明与言语行为”主题进行学术对话;三位教授将围绕着“什么不是生态语言学?”对生态文明与言语行为进行解读。



(1) Sune Vork Steffensen

Sune Vork Steffensen is a guest professor of South China Agricultural University.  He is Professor of Interpersonal Communication and Cognition at the University of Southern Denmark. Having written a PhD in linguistics at University of Aarhus, he took up his current position at the University of Southern Denmark in 2008. In 2012 he became the founding director of the Centre for Human Interactivity, which investigates how language, social organization, and cognition intersect in complex social and dialogical systems. His research interests include: interaction and interactivity; ecological, dialogical and distributed approaches to language and interaction; the functioning of cognitive ecosystems. He has pioneered the Cognitive Event Analysis, a qualitative method for studying distributed cognitive processes in cognitive systems consisting of individuals, dyads or teams, working in complex social and material environments. In recent years, he has co-edited volumes on dialectical linguistics (Continuum, 2007), biosemiotics and health interaction (Braga University Press, 2010), the distributed dynamics of language (Language Sciences, 2012), and ecolinguistics (Language Sciences, 2014). Since July 2015 he has been acting as Editor in Chief of the journal Language Sciences.


(2) Stephen Cowley

Stephen Cowley is Professor of Organisational Cognition at the University of Southern Denmark. Having completed a Cambridge PhD entitled “The Place of Prosody in Conversations”, he moved to South Africa. There his academic focus gradually shifted from Linguistics to Cognitive Science and the implications of the ecological crisis. He has held positions in Linguistics (Durban), Psychology (Durban, Bradford and Hertfordshire) and Language & Communication (Slagelse, Denmark). His empirical work examines prosodic, kinesic and verbal interactions within families, between mothers and infants, with robots, in medical simulations and in peer-review. In tracing intelligent activity to agent-environment interactions, he has expertise in problem finding, decision making and how people and organisations range in time by bringing the past to current and future concerns.

Together with Nigel Love, he founded the Distributed Language Group in 2004. The DLG community aims to transform the language sciences by tracing what is human to the directed, dialogical activity that shapes the collective dimension of language. In 2012, he co-founded the International Society for the study of Interactivity, Language and Cognition, an international community that holds biennial conferences. His papers span topics such as prosody, developmental psychology, social robotics and pursue foundational work on how the bio-ecology shapes language and cognition. Papers include: (a) Linguistic embodiment and verbal constraints (Frontiers in Psychology, 2015); (b) Bio-ecology and language: a necessary unity (Language Sciences, 2014); (c) Taking a language stance (Ecological Psychology, 2011); and (d) Grounding signs of culture (Mind, Culture and Activity, 2004). He is on the Editorial Board of 6 journals (including ones from Russia and China) and has edited/co-edited 12 Special Issues as well as the volumes: Distributed Language (2001, Benjamins), Cognition Beyond the Brain: Computation, Interactivity and Human Artifice (2013, Springer; 2nd Edition, 2017) and Biosemiotic Perspectives on Language and Linguistics (2015, Springer).



英国爱丁堡大学(University of Edinburgh, UK)应用语言学博士,英国威尔士大学(University of Wales, UK)功能语言学博士,教育部“长江学者”特聘教授,华南农业大学外国语学院院长、教授、博士生导师,“语言生态学”博士点带头人,华南农业大学生态语言学研究所所长;北京外国语大学“外研”讲席教授。现任国际生态语言学学会(IEA)中国地区代表,中国生态语言学研究会(China Ecolinguistics Association)名誉会长,中国英汉语比较研究会(国家一级学会)副会长,中国英汉语比较研究会英汉语篇分析专业委员会会长,广东外国语言学会会长,CSSCI来源期刊《中国外语》主编,国际期刊Functional Linguistics (Springer) 联合主编,国际期刊Journal of World Languages (Routledge) 联合主编,M.A.K. Halliday Library Functional Linguistics Series语言学丛书(Springer)联合主编;先后担任国内外20多家学术期刊的编委或顾问。2011-2014年任国际系统功能语言学学会(ISFLA)执行委员会主席。在国内外学术刊物发表论文200多篇,编撰出版专著、教材多部,其中国家级规划教材(“十一五”、“十二五”)3部;主持国家社科、省部级科研项目多项。研究领域为:功能语言学、生态语言学、应用语言学、语篇分析、翻译研究。