Date: 2018-07-14
The 2018 SCAU InternationalizationConference was held on June 13 and Dean Huang Guowen reported on theinternationalization work done in SFS.
The conference was held to summarize previous achievements made by thecolleges and departments in SCAU in internationalization as well as existingproblems and to make arrangements for future work.
President Chen Xiaoyang, Vice President Yang Zhou and CPC SCAU Branch Secretary LiDasheng spoke. They pointed out that ever since SCAU initiatedinternationalization work, the university has achieved a lot in bringing highlevel talents, internationalizing the teaching body, students cultivation,exchange with overseas universities and research institutes, etc., but thereare still problems, such as lack of sense of internationalization in someteachers and college leaders and the gap between SCAU and other national leveluniversities.
Dean Huang Guowen was invited to report on the internationalization workdone in SFS, along with the dean of School of Agriculture and the dean ofSchool of Life Sciences.
Inhis report, Dean Huang Guowen talked about the internationalization in SFS inscientific research, teaching body construction, students cultivation,management and soft environment building.
Inrecent years, SFS has held two large-scale international conferences, invitedmany renowned scholars from overseas to give lectures, promoted the disciplineof ecolinguistics, sponsored teachers’ study abroad, established cooperativerelations with overseas universities in duel degree or exchange programs etc. SFS'sachievements were prominent compared with other schools in the university andwas highly spoken of by Secretary Li Dasheng.
(Report by Qin Jianhua)