Date: 2017-10-30
The 2017 AnnualConference of Guangdong Society of Foreign Languages was held in Huizhou Guangdongon October 27 to 29. Chair Professor of Chang Jiang Scholars Program HuangGuowen, also Chair of the society and Dean of SFS, attended the conferencetogether with Secretary General of the society and Deputy Dean of SFS ProfessorChen Yang and over 10 teachers and students from SFS.
GuangdongSociety of Foreign Languages was established in 1979 and has been devoted touniting and organizing teachers and researchers of higher education withinGuangdong to carry out research and academic exchange in foreign languages andforeign language education. The society always focused on key issues and hotspots in the foreign language circle, and the theme of the 2017 conference is “EcologicalIssues in Foreign Lanuage Education”.
ProfessorHuang Guowen delivered the opening speech on the morning of October 28 as wellas a key-note speech titled “Ecological Issues in Foreign Language Educationand Foreign Language Education Reform”, which targeted the current ecologicalproblems in foreign language education. Deans or representatives from SunYat-sen University, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Jinan University,South China Normal University, South China University of Technology, GuangzhouUniversity, Huizhou University, Shenzhen Polytechnic, Guangdong IndustryPolytechnic etc. also made speeches on the above theme. Parallel sessions inthree rooms were held.
Theteachers and students from SFS listened to the speeches and participated in thediscussions in the parallel sessions, and were all inspired by Professor HuangGuowen’s analysis of the ecological issues in foreign language education andhis insightful ideas of foreign language education reform.
Scholarsattending the conference demonstrated strong interests in ecolinguistics andspoke highly of the achievements in ecolinguistic study by SFS.
(Reportby Qin Jianhua Pictures by YangZongying)